ADT’s objective is to promote a working environment where health, safety and environmental awareness are fundamental parts of the corporate culture.

The health and safety of employees, contractors, clients, visitors, and the local communities affected by ADT activities is a key priority.

ADT continues to drive down the environmental risks and impacts of operations by reducing waste, emissions and discharges & by using energy efficient methods and equipment to reduce our carbon footprint. Everywhere we operate, we are committed to meet international health & safety standards and promote bestinclass behaviour:

  • Our robust health, safety and environment systems are driven by decisive leadership and stringent audit, yet implemented with sensitivity to local needs.
  • Every employee is bound by our HSE policies and we expect our business partners, suppliers and contractors to help us implement them all along the value chain.
  • ZERO – work-related fatalities of ADT Africa employees over the past seventeen years.

ADT believes happy and healthy employees provide the best results.
All employees and contractors are provided with camp facilities when in the field. The camps provide spacious tents for housing, vehicles to run errands, fuel, generator, well-stocked kitchen with company chef, satellite TV, security, laundry and ablution services.

  • Prevention of injury and ill health
  • Continued improvement of HSE management and performance
  • Compliance with applicable legal requirements

Everywhere we operate, we are committed to meet international health & safety standards and promote best-in-class behaviour:

  • Our robust health, safety and environment systems are driven by decisive leadership and stringent audit, yet implemented with sensitivity to local needs.
  • Every employee is bound by our HSE policies and we expect our business partners, suppliers and contractors to help us implement them all along the value chain.
  • ZERO – work-related fatalities of ADT Africa employees over the past seventeen years.
.10 Total Recordable Incident Rate
0.00 Lost Time Incident Rate
~300 Hours of safety training performed
30% of safety training done remotely

ADT Policies

ADT Health Safety Policy

ADT Fleet Planning Mangement

ADT Pipe Handling Policy Procedures

Our Services

Logistics & Transportation

We offer short domestic and long cross-border transportation of loose, oil and containerized (20ft and 40ft) local and transit cargo from..


ISO certified drilling contractor to exploration and production mining companies.


Committed to delivering mining services and solutions.